Using infographics is a great way to add interest to your content and to breathe new life into your data. There are so many ways in which you can use infographics if you start thinking outside the box to make your content visual instead of just text based. Try using an online creator tool like Canva to make your infographics.
Describe your business
Instead of your typical about page, why not turn the about page into an easily sharable infographic? Itís the perfect information to turn into an infographic using creativity and humor to tell the world about you.
When presenting research data
Data can be boring, but not if you find a way to show it in a new way with images, graphic design and creative wording in infographic format.
To show poll data visually
Conduct a poll, and then turn the information into a creative infographic.
To explain a complicated topic or process
Sometimes pictures are the best way to explain a concept that is hard to describe in words.
To compare one thing to another
When comparing two different concepts or ideas, using an infographic will help people understand the differences at a glance.
To highlight interesting facts
Showing a pictorial of various facts with words and images is a great way to get the information across and help others remember certain facts.
When words take too much space
Images and words in the form of an infographic can depict more information in a smaller amount of space than other forms of content.
To raise awareness
Infographics are often shared more than a regular blog post or other forms of content. If you really want to raise awareness about a cause, issue or concern, try creating an infographic to share.
To inform
A great way to inform your audience of various types of information is to make it easily digestible in smaller bits, images and bullet points. Twitter cards are very useful for this.
Infographics are a wonderful way to encapsulate data and information in a new way. Try taking one informative blog post a month and turning it into an infographic to reuse and repurpose the content in a whole new creative way. You can share your infographics on social media like Pinterest and you can ask other people to share your infographic too.
People are more likely to share an infographic than a blog post due to the fact that most people like sharing visual data more than text-based data. Not to mention, it’s a lot easier to understand and digest.