Writer’s block? 9 things to include in your next email newsletter

Knowing what to put in your email newsletter is as important as creating one. They say that the money is in your list, but if you don’t send out regular messages you’ll miss out on the additional income that an email newsletter can generate. It’s best not to over-think each newsletter that you send out. Keep them simple, not too long, and always point the reader to something else such as something to buy, share or do.

1. Tips and tricks to make life easier
Include a list of tips and tricks for your readers in your email newsletter. If you send out a daily newsletter, you could make weekly list of ten tips or tricks that involves putting your services or products to their best use.

2. Special offers and promotions
You might want offer your newsletter subscribers an offer around once a month or so that no one else is getting just for being a subscriber. This way, you’ll make them feel special. People love the feeling of membership and exclusivity.

3. The human touch – offer engagement opportunities
Give your newsletter subscribers an insider peek or opportunity to meet up with you, either through live meet-ups or online webinars. Having one webinar a quarter or more often is a great way to engage your newsletter subscribers. Google Hangouts is a great way to accomplish this. You can even offer Q&A’s. Best thing is, you can record these webinars and either offer them as special content for your future subscribers, or upload them onto Youtube as new video content to reach a wider group of people.

4. Early bird notices
Tell your list subscribers about new products before you announce them to the world. Giving them a few days to purchase at a discounted ‘early bird’ rate is a great thing to include in your email newsletters.

5. Get useful feedback
Using your email newsletter as a way to get feedback on potential new products or services is a great way to encourage engagement from your subscribers. You can do it via questionnaire or poll like Survey Monkey.

6. Testimonials
Including a section for customer testimonials is a great way to recognize your clients as well as to provide social proof to newsletter subscribers who have not purchased from you yet. Good social proof is like gold dust.

7. Share buttons
Inviting your newsletter subscribers to share certain newsletters that don’t have exclusive material is a great way to improve your subscription rate, and will also make your current members feel included in your community.

8. Legal notifications
Every newsletter needs to include all legal notifications relevant to anti-spam laws. If you go with the most stringent laws, you’ll be sure to cover all your bases.

9. Opt-out information
While this could be covered under legal notifications, it’s important that you include opt-out information that is easy to find in every single newsletter that you send out. It’s fine if subscribers unsubscribe. It’s better to have a clean list of people who want to be there than a list full of people who resent getting your information. In other words, love those who love you.

So there you have it, 9 ideas you can add into your next newsletter. Keep it interesting and designed to get a response. Also, remember to include a call to action (CTA) in each newsletter that you send out. Without a CTA, there is probably no point to the newsletter. So, be clear about what you want your newsletter to achieve, before you start.